Halo and galaxy catalogs
Cosmological simulations are often post-processed with a substructure identification algorithm in order to identify halos and galaxies. The resulting catalogs can be loaded and connect with the particle-level snapshot data.
If you want to run the code below, consider downloading the demo data or use the TNGLab online.
Adding and using halo/galaxy catalog information
Currently, we support the usual FOF/Subfind combination and format. Their presence will be automatically detected and the catalogs will be loaded into ds.data as shown below.
from scida import load
ds = load("./snapdir_030") # (1)!
- In this example, we assume a dataset, such as the demo data set, that has its fields (Masses, Velocities) nested by particle type (gas)
The dataset itself passed to load does not possess information about the FoF/Subfind outputs as they are commonly saved in a separate folder or hdf5 file. For typical folder structures of GADGET/AREPO style simulations, an attempt is made to automatically discover and add such information. The path to the catalog can otherwise explicitly be passed to load() via the catalog=... keyword.
Accessing halo/galaxy catalog information
Groups and subhalo information is added into the dataset with the data containers Group and Subhalo. For example, we can obtain the masses of each group as:
group_mass = ds.data["Group"]["GroupMass"]
Accessing particle-level halo/galaxy information
In addition to these two data containers, new information is added to all other containers about their belonging to a given group and subhalo.
groupid = ds.data["PartType0"]["GroupID"] #(1)!
subhaloid = ds.data["PartType0"]["SubhaloID"]
localsubhaloid = ds.data["PartType0"]["LocalSubhaloID"]
- This information is also available for the other particle types.
In above example, we fetch the virtual dask arrays holding information about the halo and subhalo association for each particle.
The group ID of the group the particle belongs to. This is the index into the group catalog.
The subhalo ID of the subhalo the particle belongs to. This is the index into the subhalo catalog.
This is the Subhalo ID relative to the central subhalo of a given group. For the central subhalo, this is 0. Satellites accordingly start at index 1.
Particles that are not associated with a group or subhalo that are queried for such ID
will return ds.misc['unboundID']'
. This is currently set to 9223372036854775807, but might change to -1 in the future.
This operation allows us to efficiently query the belonging of given particles. So, for example, we can compute the group IDs of the gas particles 1000-1099 by running
Working with halo data
Query all particles belonging to some group
Often we only want to operate with the particles of a given halo. We can efficiently return a virtual view of all fields in ds.data for a given halo ID as for example in:
data = ds.return_data(haloID=42)
data will have the same structure as ds.data but restricted to particles of a given group.
Applying to all groups in parallel
In many cases, we do not want the particle data of an individual group, but we want to calculate some reduced statistic from the bound particles of each group. For this, we provide the grouped functionality. In the following we give a range of examples of its use.
Executing the following commands can be demanding on compute resources and memory. Usually, one wants to restrict the groups to run on. You can either specify "nmax" to limit the maximum halo id to evaluate up to. This is usually desired in any case as halos are ordered (in descending order) by their mass. For more fine-grained control, you can also pass a list of halo IDs to evaluate via the "idxlist" keyword. These keywords should be passed to the "evaluate" call.
By default, operations are done on for halos. By passing objtype="subhalo"
to the
call, the operation is done on subhalos instead.
Baryon mass
Let's say we want to calculate the baryon mass for each halo from the particles.
mass = ds.grouped("Masses", parttype="PartType0").sum().evaluate(compute=True)
Unless compute=True a dask operation is returned.
Electron mass
Instead of an existing field, we can also pass another dask array of matching field for the given particle species (here: PartType0). The following example calculates the total mass of electrons in each halo.
import dask.array as da
gas = ds.data["PartType0"]
# total electron mass
me = 9.1e-28 # cgs
mp = 1.7e-24 # cgs
# me and mp units cancel each other
ne = gas["ElectronAbundance"] * 0.76 * gas["Density"]/mp
vol = gas["Masses"] / gas["Density"]
emass_field = vol * me * ne
emass = ds.grouped(emass_field).sum().evaluate(compute=True)
Heaviest black hole
bhmassmax = ds.grouped("Masses", parttype="PartType5").max().evaluate()
Radial profile for each halo
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
grp = ds.data["Group"]
pos3 = gas["Coordinates"] - grp["GroupPos"][gas["GroupID"]]
p, u = pos3.magnitude, pos3.units
dist = da.sqrt(da.sum(p**2, axis=1)) * u # (1)!
def customfunc(dist, density, volume):
a = binned_statistic(dist, density, statistic="sum", bins=np.linspace(0, 200, 10))[0]
b = binned_statistic(dist, volume, statistic="sum", bins=np.linspace(0, 200, 10))[0]
return a/b
g = ds.grouped(dict(dist=dist, Density=gas["Density"],
s = g.apply(customfunc).evaluate()
- We do not incorporate periodic boundary conditions in this example for brevity.
Note that here we defined a custom function customfunc that will be applied to each halo respectively. The custom function accepts any inputs we feed to ds.grouped(). The customfunc receives numpy representation (rather than dask arrays) as inputs. As unit support with dask is still in development, unit-related warnings might occur. Units might not be passed, it can therefore be necessary to explicitly attach the expected units to the outputs again.